Woody Packard

Words + Pictures

Sorry, Another Halloween

Two more, actually. The next was the Russian/English Halloween party, put on by students in Judy's department. The third, and I hope final celebration was with our Mongolish friends—Peace Corps volunteers and local English speaking Mongolians. Also at this party were three Russians, who serve in the Russian/English and Fine Art and Design departments.

Although some of the entertainment was traditional Halloween fare, there were some new twists. The Dancing Game was just like Musical Chairs, except that one does not simply walk around the chairs. And, (I don't know the name for it, so I am just calling it the Flour Game) for something that starts out looking vaguely familiar, there is this piece of un-edited video.

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Flour Game

This is a Mongolian game that has some elements in common with with our Bobbing for Apples party game, but the similarities end with the fact that there is no water. Contestants stick their heads into a large bowl of flour and try to pull out prizes with their mouths. Here it is being played at a Halloween party, a holiday Mongolians are not normally aware of, except that this is an English Department at a university, and they are trying to teach students something about Americans. Read the story…